This Week's Federal Press Releases

July 22 - July 28, 2023

Editor’s Notes:

🏞️ Free entry for National Parks and Public Lands on Friday, August 4

🌧️ DHS Allocated $605 Million for Preparedness Grants

🏘️ HUD Awards $370 Million for Neighborhood Redevelopment

🏥 HHS proposes new rule for mental health and substance use treatment

🌲 DOE to award $100 Million for Converted Carbon Emission purchases

☀️ $20 Million to research solar energy systems recycling

🖥️ Commerce & Defense Departments to collaborate on Chip Security

🌾 USDA awards funds for Urban Agriculture & Food Access

🥵 OSHA Issues Heat Advisory and warns of enforcement actions.

[End of Editor’s Notes]

As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings a happy death.

- Leonardo Da Vinci

Find the full press releases on our homepage, updated almost daily:

Health Care

New Rules to Improve Access to Mental Health Services

  • Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Treasury proposed new rules for mental health.

  • Aims to ensure equal access to mental health and substance use disorder treatments.

  • Follows from Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.

  • Proposed rules aim to protect rights and provide clear guidance for compliance.

  • Public feedback requested on proposed new data requirements for health plan limitations.

HHS Awards $11M to Boost Rural Residency Programs

  • HHS through HRSA awarded $11 million to 15 awardees to establish rural residency programs.

  • Aimed at strengthening the health workforce and addressing physician shortages.

  • Three awards specifically for developing family medicine residency programs with enhanced obstetrical training.

  • Each awardee will receive up to $750,000 to support various aspects of program development.

  • HRSA-funded Rural Residency Planning and Development Technical Assistance Center will provide support.

  • Builds on over $43 million invested in the Rural Residency Planning and Development program from 2019 to 2022.

  • CMS also prioritizes hospitals with training programs in Health Professional Shortage Areas.

  • CMS proposing to designate Rural Emergency Hospitals as graduate medical education training sites for 2024.


$100M for Products from Converted Carbon Emissions

  • DOE announces $100 million funding to support states, local governments, public utilities in purchasing carbon-derived products.

  • Aims to speed up adoption of advanced carbon management technologies.

  • Funding to aid in scaling up carbon management technology, lowering costs, increasing access to clean energy.

  • Incentive for large purchasers of products to buy carbon-derived ones to drive emissions reductions.

  • Carbon Utilization Procurement Grants program to offset 50% of costs to purchase and use such products.

  • Products must demonstrate significant net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions via life cycle analysis.

  • Applications for funding must submit Community Benefit Discussions, detailing societal impacts of proposed projects.

  • Funding opportunity open until April 30, 2024.

DOE Allocates $33M for 14 Clean-Energy Research Projects

  • DOE announces $33 million for 14 clean-energy research projects in underfunded regions.

  • Projects cover diverse topics including grid integration, renewable energy, and advanced manufacturing.

  • The goal is to broaden the geographical distribution of federal R&D funds and boost research capabilities in underserved regions.

  • Funding comes from DOE’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).

  • EPSCoR covers 28 jurisdictions, including 25 states and three U.S. territories.

  • Selected projects span from fusion energy to quantum computing, including work on climate and ecosystem modeling, wind energy, and energy conversion sensors.

  • Total planned funding for two-year projects in the fiscal year 2023 amounts to approximately $33 million.

DOE Initiative to Repurpose Land for Clean Energy Projects

  • U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiates “Cleanup to Clean Energy” project.

  • DOE-owned lands, previously used for nuclear weapons program, to be repurposed for clean energy generation.

  • DOE to lease Federal land for utility-scale clean energy projects.

  • The initiative aligns with Executive Order 14057 for new clean electricity generation on agency properties.

  • Five sites identified for potential development: Hanford Site, Idaho National Laboratory, Nevada National Security Site, Savannah River Site, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.

  • The project aims to achieve 100% clean electricity by 2030.

DOE Announces Funding for Solar Energy System Improvements

  • Department of Energy (DOE) announces $20 million to enhance solar energy systems.

  • Aims to reduce use of materials, improve installation quality, resilience, and recyclability of photovoltaic systems.

  • Includes creation of a Solar Partnership to Advance Recycling and Circularity.

  • The Materials, Operation, and Recycling of Photovoltaics (MORE PV) funding opportunity is launched.

  • The funding program’s goal aligns with DOE’s Photovoltaics End-of-Life Action Plan.

  • Letter of intent and concept paper deadlines set for September 6 and 13, respectively.

DOE Proposes New Energy Efficiency Standards for Water Heaters

  • Department of Energy (DOE) proposes energy efficiency standards for residential water heaters.

  • Proposed standards projected to save consumers $11.4 billion annually.

  • The standards, if approved, would take effect in 2029.

  • Estimated savings of $198 billion and reduction of 501 million metric tons of CO2 over 30 years.

  • If adopted, new rule would apply to new water heater models starting 2029.

  • New standards may reduce energy use from water heaters by 21%.

  • DOE has proposed or finalized efficiency standards for 18 product categories in the current year.

DOE Announces New Energy Efficiency Standards

  • DOE unveils three energy efficiency actions expected to save more than $1 billion annually in utility bills.

  • The Congressionally-mandated standards cover commercial water heaters, pool pump motors, and residential boilers.

  • Standards will conserve energy and water, and reduce carbon pollution.

  • The updated standards for commercial water heaters, unchanged since 2003, are estimated to save businesses $149 million per year.

  • Standards for pool pump motors and residential boilers are anticipated to save consumers around $926 million per year.

  • The new standards aim to promote innovation, reduce costs, and increase appliance efficiency.

  • DOE estimates that the standards will result in significant emission reductions, equivalent to the annual emissions of several million homes.

Agriculture & Rural Development

USDA Expands Access to Health Care in Rural Regions

  • Deputy Secretary Xochitl Torres Small announces USDA’s expansion of health care access for over 5 million people in 39 states and Puerto Rico.

  • $129 million in Emergency Rural Health Care Grants will be awarded to improve health care facilities.

  • The grants will support 172 rural health care organizations.

  • Emergency Rural Health Care Grants have been available since August 2021 to expand access to health care services and nutrition assistance.

USDA Investments in Urban Agriculture and Food Access

  • USDA announces 17 new Urban Service Centers, 10 urban county committees.

  • Approximately $10.7 million invested in Patrick Leahy Farm to School Program.

  • Around $30 million allocated for new Local and Regional Healthy Food Financing Partnerships Initiative.

  • $40 million from American Rescue Plan invested into partnerships with community-based organizations.

  • Collaborations with Pasa Sustainable Agriculture, Virginia State University’s Small Farm Outreach Program, Cornell University’s Small Farm Center and TIME, Inc announced.

  • $7.4 million for 25 Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production competitive grants.

  • Up to $9.5 million for Composting and Food Waste Reduction (CFWR) cooperative agreements.

USDA Funds Capacity-Building at 1890 Land-Grant Universities

  • USDA invests $33 million to support 82 projects at 19 1890 Land-grant Universities.

  • Projects part of NIFA’s 1890 Capacity Building Grants Program.

  • USDA welcomed 100 scholars via USDA/1890 National Scholars Program earlier in July.

  • Funding builds on previous $262.5 million investment to train future agricultural professionals.

  • Two new public dashboards released in June to enhance transparency in NIFA funding.

Interior & Public Lands

LWCF Funds for Outdoor Recreation and Conservation

  • Department of the Interior distributes $295.6 million from LWCF to states, territories, and D.C.

  • Changes to LWCF Manual encourage states to work closer with Tribal Nations.

  • Changes clarify grant eligibility and encourage Tribal governments to apply.

  • Funds for this year’s distribution are available until fiscal year 2025.

  • LWCF supports public access and protection for federal public lands and waters.

  • Fund allocation is determined through a formula set in the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act.

  • State and territory allocations usually further distributed through competitive processes.

  • Investments support locally led outdoor recreation and conservation projects.

Free Admission to ALL National Parks, Public Lands August 4th

  • Department of the Interior marks Great American Outdoors Act’s third anniversary.

  • For 2024, 56 proposed projects expected to support 17,500 jobs, generate $1.9 billion.

  • Entrance fees waived on August 4 at Interior Department-managed lands.

  • National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund provides $1.6 billion per year.

  • Fund’s support ends after fiscal year 2025, needs Congress reauthorization.

  • 276 deferred maintenance projects funded since 2021, improving over 2,200 assets.

  • Act funds Land and Water Conservation Fund permanently at $900 million annually.

  • The Act benefits over 2,200 students and faculty in BIE-funded schools yearly.

  • The Act has supported maintenance and training programs.


DOT New Rule for More Accessible Airline Lavatories

  • U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) introduces new rule making airline lavatories more accessible.

  • Rule requires lavatories on new single-aisle aircraft to accommodate a passenger with disability and attendant.

  • DOT making significant investments to improve accessibility in infrastructure.

  • Billions awarded through Infrastructure Law for airport terminal modernization, including wheelchair ramps and accessible restrooms.

  • In December, nearly $700 million awarded for accessibility improvements to rail and subway stations.

  • Rule and passenger rights information available on DOT websites.

MARAD Announces Enrollments in Tanker Security Program

  • Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) enrolls nine ships in Tanker Security Program (TSP).

  • Program ensures Department of Defense has access to necessary product tankers for national economic security.

  • Selected companies: Overseas Shipholding Group, Crowley-Stena Marine Solutions, Seabulk Tankers.

  • All companies have signed operating agreements, some working to expedite reflagging to U.S. registry.

  • Each enrolled tank vessel will receive a maximum $6 million per year payment.

  • Solicitation for enrollment was published on July 25, 2023, with one remaining operating agreement slot.

  • Qualifying vessels must meet specific size, age, and commitment requirements.

  • All TSP operators required to enroll in MARAD’s sexual assault and harassment prevention program (EMBARC).

USDOT World Day Against Trafficking, New Actions

  • DOT recognizes World Day Against Trafficking, announces actions to raise awareness and prevent human trafficking.

  • National Human Trafficking Hotline (1-888-373-7888) for reporting or seeking help.

  • Secretary Buttigieg appoints 15 members to DOT Advisory Committee on Human Trafficking.

  • The Committee will provide recommendations on countering human trafficking, evaluate best practices.

  • Winners of DOT’s 2023 Combating Human Trafficking in Transportation Impact Award announced.

  • Transportation Leaders Against Human Trafficking training for transportation employees and the public launched.

  • Blue Lightning Initiative with DHS trains aviation industry personnel to identify and report human trafficking.

  • The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s public awareness campaign for commercial motor vehicle industry ongoing.


OSHA Issues Heat Hazard Alert and Intensifies Enforcement

  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issues heat hazard alert for workplaces.

  • OSHA will enhance enforcement where workers are exposed to heat, particularly in construction and agriculture.

  • The move aligns with National Emphasis Program on heat launched in April 2022.

  • The initiative follows President Biden’s recent actions for worker protection from extreme heat.

  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 436 heat exposure deaths at workplaces since 2011.

  • Average of 2,700 annual cases of heat illnesses lead to lost workdays.

  • OSHA started rulemaking for a heat-specific workplace standard in October 2021.

  • Alert educates employers on protecting employees, informs employees of rights, highlights OSHA actions.

Homeland Security

DHS Updates E-Verify and Form I-9 Procedures

  • DHS allows E-Verify participating employers to examine employment eligibility documents electronically, via live video call.

  • New rule effective from August 1, 2023.

  • DHS will also conduct a pilot program for further expansion of remote examination option.

  • E-Verify is a web-based system to verify employment eligibility, operated by DHS and the Social Security Administration.

  • Employers not participating in E-Verify have until August 30, 2023 to physically examine documents for hires from March 20, 2020.

  • Form I-9 will be updated and streamlined for easier use, effective August 1, 2023, with use of prior edition allowed until October 31, 2023.

DHS Allocates $605 Million in Preparedness Grant Programs

  • DHS announces $605 million in six FY 2023 competitive preparedness grant programs.

  • In total, DHS provides more than $2 billion in FY 2023 for disaster and threat preparation.

  • Six focus areas: cybersecurity, soft targets, information sharing, domestic extremism, community preparedness, and election security.

  • Grant programs:

    • Operation Stonegarden: $90 million for cooperation among law enforcement agencies.

    • Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program: $15 million for preparedness initiatives in tribal nations.

    • Nonprofit Security Grant Program: $305 million for security enhancements in high-risk nonprofits.

    • Port Security Grant Program: $100 million for protecting critical port infrastructure.

    • Transit Security Grant Program: $93 million for public transit system protection.

    • Intercity Bus Security Grant Program: $2 million for protecting intercity bus systems.

  • Non-competitive grants announced earlier total $1.4 billion.

Commerce and DOD Collaborate for Semiconductor Defense

  • Department of Commerce (DoC) and Department of Defense (DoD) sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).

  • MOA aims to strengthen the U.S. semiconductor defense industrial base.

  • Agreement enhances collaboration on the CHIPS for America’s incentives program.

  • MOA facilitates alignment on investment decisions for chip production.

Public & Affordable Housing

HUD Funding for Office-to-Residential Conversion Study

  • HUD releases Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for studying office-to-residential conversions.

  • Up to $860,000 provided for case studies, understanding financing limitations, policy reforms, and guide development.

  • Proposals deadline: October 12.

  • Conversion interest surged after pandemic due to remote work and increased housing demand.

  • Initiative part of HUD’s effort to increase housing supply.

HUD Awards $370 Million for Neighborhood Redevelopment

  • HUD awards Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) Grants, totaling $370 million to eight communities.

  • The awards aim to support communities ready to implement a “Transformation Plan” for neighborhood redevelopment.

  • HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge announces a $50 million CNI grant to Birmingham, Alabama.

  • CNI grants support revitalization of distressed public and/or assisted housing and neighborhoods, providing residents with income, health, and education services.

  • New mixed-income housing communities will be created, economic development opportunities improved, and wide-scale community revitalization efforts focused on “Housing, People, and Neighborhood.”

  • The eight new awards have leveraged an additional $3 billion in public and private commitments to their Transformation Plan.


Dept of Education Updates Policy Guidance on Special Education

  • The Department of Education’s OSEP releases updated policy guidance for IDEA.

  • Guidance addresses the “general supervision” requirement, strengthening child and family rights under IDEA.

  • Updated guidance aims to help states identify and correct noncompliance, protect rights, and ensure consistent implementation.

  • Clarification on states’ roles in supervising local education agencies and early intervention service programs.

  • States required to monitor each agency or program at least once within a six-year cycle.

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